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New Year’s Eve Food Worldwide

New Year’s food tradition is very different across the world. While someone eating pigs made of marzipan, another eat grapes at midnight. Here are some of the common food for New Year’s Eve and few hints about where to partake in them.


The people of Spain have some unusual annual tradition. At the stroke of midnight, they eat one grape for every toll of the clock bell. They try to prep their grapes to make sure they will be as efficient as possible when the countdown starts.

Sausage and lentil stew

Italians celebrate New Year’s Eve with one traditional dish named “Cotechino con lenticchie“. It is sausage and lentil stew that they believe to bring good luck.

Marzipan pigs

The last night in the year, people in Austria and Germany call the eve of Saint Sylvester. Traditionally, they drink red wine punch with cinnamon and spices, eat suckling pig for dinner and decorate the table with little pigs made of marzipan.

Pickled herring

People in Poland and Scandinavia eat pickled herring at the stroke of midnight to bring a year of prosperity Some eat them in the cream sauce while others have it with onions.


This is one of the most popular dishes in Mexico, but the holiday season is an especially favored time for tamales. It is corn dough stuffed with meat, cheese, and other delicious additions and wrapped in a banana leaf or a corn husk.

Editor’s Note: Check out quotes that will make 2019 your best year ever.

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